Cody Coots is a fourth-generation serpent handler. By age 6, he handles mock serpents with his sister, Trina, in the church, using leather belts for props. Cody secretly yearns for a normal childhood.
He likes to ride his bike, play drums, and watch WWE wrestling with his father, Jamie. (Jamie is the world's most famous serpent-handling preacher.) A terrible act of violence befalls 8-year-old Cody, shocking the serpent handling community. A preacher pleads guilty to charges of deviant sexual abuse, but it's too late: Cody's innocence is shattered. Anger boils inside him, so he turns his wrath upon his parents, his church, and even his God.
As he cruises the backstreets of Middlesboro, Ky, looking for nothing but trouble, Cody's sins begin piling up. But the consequences do, too.
Is Cody beyond salvation? Or, is he as the community describes him: "Marked for life?"
First Episodes
Cody Coots is a fourth-generation "Signs Follower." His childhood was anything but normal. At age 6, he started handling fake serpents with his sister Trina. They used...
1 – 2. "The House of Horror"
After a fatal rattlesnake bite at his apartment in Middlesboro, Kentucky, Cody and his family move to a new place on South 45th Street. This is a house that changes Co...
3. "We Can't Testify"
A trial is scheduled for Cody’s abuser.However, believers across the faith are concerned about Cody testifying. The reason? One day at church, long ago, when Cody was ...
4. "Coots vs. The Public School System"
The Bible passage "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man" from Deuteronomy means another life change for Cody. This child of the serpent-handling f...
5. "Nothing Left To Lose"
Cody Coots' childhood is in shambles, so he pursues a relationship with his father: the world-famous serpent handling preacher Jamie Coots. Jamie starred in what Cody ...